Wednesday, October 24, 2012


来週(らいしゅう)の水曜日は ハロウィーンです。それから、ニューヨークは とても寒(さむ)いですね。それから、冬(ふゆ)ですね。冬は あまり楽(たの)しくありませんね。

去年(きょねん)の6月、 上海(しゃんはい)に トニートニー・チョッパーの帽子(ぼうし)を 買(か)いました。それから、毎年(まいねん)のハロウィーン、私は あの帽子を かぶります。面白(おもしろ)いの帽子ですよ。

先週末(せんしゅうまつ)は ボクシングの試合(しあい)を みました!切符(きっぷ)はとてもたかいです、でも私たちの席(せき)はよいです。

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


*I like to keep the auto-generated I've attached a list at the end that spells out / explains all the Kanji-involved phrases.*

今日は 10月10日 水曜日です。昨日は、クラスを 1つ落としました!しかし、ポルトガル語も習います。それは難しいですね!

今朝11時に 朝ごはんと昼ごはんに 卵とソーセージとチーとパンを 食べました。でも、晩ごはんを 食べませんでした。えと、私は天ぷらうどんを 食べますか?

東京まで 飛行機で いくらですか?いっしょに 本当の日本のレストランで 天ぷらを 食べませんか?お酒を 飲みませんか!?行きましょ!

*List of Kanji-involved Phrases*
今日 = きょう
10月10日 =じゅうがつとおか
水曜日 = すいようび
昨日 = きのう
落とします = おとします (drop)
語 = ご
習います = ならいます
難しい = むずかしい (difficult)
今朝 = けさ
時 = じ
朝ごは = あさごはん
昼ごはん = ひるごはん
卵 = たまご
食べます = たべます
晩ごはん = ばんごはん
私 = わたし
天ぷら = てんぷら (Tempura)
東京 = とうきょう
飛行機 = ひこうき
本当の = ほんとうの (real, actual)
日本 = にほん
お酒 = おさけ
飲みます = のみます
行きます = いきます

Friday, October 5, 2012


My interest in learning the Japanese language started when I was fairly young. My grandparents speak some Japanese and therefore I've had easy access to a lot of entry-level material for Japanese learners. Over the years I've also been following a few Japanese manga / movie series from time to time: I still remember the time years ago when I was scared to near death watching Ringu for the very first time...good times. Ultimately, at some point in my life, I want to take a long, long vacation in Japan and travel across the country, being ABLE to speak to people and blend in with locals. I might consider settling down in Japan when I grow older / when the time comes. It might happen, no? Oh, and also, can't say no to watching a baseball game in Japan! Once this NYC taxi driver who had mistaken me as Japanese told me, "Baseball is BIG among you guys, eh? So it's not just in this country!" Hmm...gotta live up to his impression =]

I guess one thing that I'm really excited about after the first 4 weeks is that I can hear myself actually speaking it. It's like you've always only been listening to the language on TV / Internet but it never occurred to you that you may someday sound just like that. I haven't found many difficulties thus far but I do foresee challenges arise when we get through to more complicated grammar as well as the combination with Kanji.

Anyways, hope to hear from you guys.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012



